Randy A Brown

How to Control WordPress Blocks with PersonalizeWP

PersonalizeWP is a WordPress plugin that allows you to control who can see a WordPress block and when they can see that block. It works with any block and is great for marketing. It can show personalized sales, offers, custom forms, and more. In this post, we'll look...

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Using Bing for Inspiration

Writing can become stale if authors use the same tired locations and descriptions too many times. Readers like to be taken to new places, but it can sometimes be difficult to dream up new landscapes, cityscapes, animals, settings, etc. Rather than just looking at...

Outlining your Book

Whether I'm writing fiction or non-fiction, I always write an outline for my book. There are many methods for outlining. Here's a quick overview of my method. For nonfiction I write all the major points that I want to make. I arrange the points in the order I want to...

Writing as a Hobby

I love writing. Many people like the idea of writing, but don't pursue writing because they think they can never be published. Well, in today's publishing world self-publishing is easier than ever because of ereaders like the Kindle and nook, and the ease of creating...

What I’m Working On

I like to write both fiction and non-fiction. I'm currently working on several books in several categories. I plan to release them all on Kindle. Non-Fiction My non-fiction work is mostly Christian based. I'm almost done with a Bible marking guide. This one should be...


Welcome to my writer's blog. This site will contain my thoughts on writing and news about my books.