Randy A Brown







Top 5 Apps To Keep Your Website Secure

Top 5 Apps To Keep Your Website Secure

This guest post is from Kim DeLisle of SecureThoughts.com. I would like to thank Randy A. Brown for allowing me to contribute to the site! I love his musings on writing and the Bible, and he also writes some really great, practical articles like this one on Creating...

Create a Social Media Link for WordPress

Social media is a great way to stay in touch with your readers. Not everything you do has a place on your blog or website. Some things just work better on social media. In order to make it easy for your readers to find you on the social media of your choice you could...

Niche Site Duel 2.0

Non-fiction writers often write for specific niche's. For this reason, many non-fiction authors run niche sites. To help me choose niche's, and maybe even start my own niche site, I've decided to join Pat Flynn's Niche Site Duel 2.0. The project will take you through...