Randy A Brown







My Influences – Authors

There are many authors that have inspired me in my writing over the years. Here’s a short list of some that come to mind in no particular order. Isaac Asimov I loved the I Robot short stories when I was a teen. J. R. R. Tolkien Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit are...

The Creative Penn

It can be difficult to get motivated to write. It can also be discouraging when you think about the odds of becoming a published author. To help me with these issues, I’ve been listening to the podcast at The Creative Penn (http://www.thecreativepenn.com/podcasts/)....

Using Bing for Inspiration

Writing can become stale if authors use the same tired locations and descriptions too many times. Readers like to be taken to new places, but it can sometimes be difficult to dream up new landscapes, cityscapes, animals, settings, etc. Rather than just looking at...