For me, the hardest part of writing a book or building a niche site is choosing the topic. There are many techniques out there to help. Here's my method. First, I build a matrix in Excel. I will make headings across the top of categories that I want to compare. One...
Niche Site Duel 2.0 – Searching for Keywords with Long Tail Pro
I've been using the trial version of Long Tail Pro to find keywords that will help me find a niche for the niche site duel. I've found a keyword that I like. It's in a field that I have experience in. I've wanted to write a book about it for a while now. This tool...
Niche Site Duel 2.0
Non-fiction writers often write for specific niche's. For this reason, many non-fiction authors run niche sites. To help me choose niche's, and maybe even start my own niche site, I've decided to join Pat Flynn's Niche Site Duel 2.0. The project will take you through...