Randy A Brown

How to Control WordPress Blocks with PersonalizeWP

PersonalizeWP is a WordPress plugin that allows you to control who can see a WordPress block and when they can see that block. It works with any block and is great for marketing. It can show personalized sales, offers, custom forms, and more. In this post, we'll look...

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Book Review: Guitars by Brad Trivett

Book Review: Guitars by Brad Trivett

Guitars is an excellent book about guitars. It works well as a buyer’s guide, but it also includes lots of information about the history of the guitar, guitar maintenance, pedals, amps, how to play the guitar, and more. The author knows the topic well and it’s obvious...

Getting Started with Divi: Using the Divi Builder

Getting Started with Divi: Using the Divi Builder

The Divi Builder is a drag-and-drop page-building system that makes it easy to create unique layouts. Whether you're using premade child themes, premade layouts, or creating your own, it's crucial to understand how to use the Divi Builder. In this post, we'll step...

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Ps. 119:105 KJV)