Randy A Brown


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About Randy

Randy A Brown is a WordPress user and teacher from east Tennessee. He started developing websites in the early days of GeoCities and Homestead. He move to Microsoft Frontpage in 2002 and to Dreamweaver in the mid 2000’s. In 2008 he gave WordPress a try and has never looked back.

Randy wears many hats – technical writer, author, child theme and layout developer, husband, father, and pastor.



About WP Design Trends

As the name suggests, the purpose of this website is to discuss WordPress design. The focus is on UX/UI (user experience, user interface). Rather than the normal how-to’s, such as how to create a menu, how to make backups, how to use page builders, etc., the tutorials cover the ‘why’ behind the design of WordPress elements, answering questions such as what makes a good navigation design for your audience, which color combinations work best, the best design tools, etc. Each article will discuss one element, such as headers or sidebars, and show real-world examples of great designs.